In today's world each of us tries to live better. This “better” includes perfect financial state, success in career and personal life, bright recollections and emotions, and most important – good health state. We even don't confess to ourselves that namely health defines our whole life. Health – is the greatest wealth of our life. This expression is familiar to each of us as each of us realizes that without health is impossible to build a happy life.
But to live without illnesses is also impossible. Any person used to get ill at least several times per life! And most of us got ill more often of course. There are various diseases in this cruel world. If we take care of them in advance it is possible to avoid most of them. For example, herpes virus is a very spread infection today. It is a dangerous disease as it is difficult to reveal. The infection can spread invisibly and the best way to prevent it is to address regularly to a gynecologist.
The social impact of such diseases as herpes and other sexually transmitted viruses is great, in fact. People infected with such virus feel isolated from the rest of society. They feel not like other healthy people. It influences their mental state and can lead to the development of another widely spread health disorder – depression. Commonly speaking depression represents danger only if it has turned into one of the most dangerous and uncontrolled forms like panic depression or clinical depression. In this case a patient needs to take a course of antidepressants combined with necessary antibiotics. Very often it is recommended to speak to a professional psychologist, as depression is a disease on mental level.
Our health is a very delicate issue. It is the whole human organism. We should take care of our entire body. First of all it is recommended by the physician to lead an active way of life, to go info sport. Also healthy food plays not the last role. We should pay attention on what we eat. It should be healthy mostly natural products without any adds. All this influences our heart health first of all. Heart is a key element of the body. If something is wrong with heart the organism doesn't work properly.
The role of health for each person is immense. Sometimes we don't pay attention to health disorders which occur. But they lead later to more complications. Taking into account our health we extend our life.
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