The wine is less fattening than mineral water: Women who like to relax after work drinking a glass of wine, have another reason to continue to do so, according to a new study, a glass of wine is even less fattening than mineral water. Also, moderate drinkers of the female population have a reduced risk for obesity compared with women who abstain from alcohol.
In fact, scientists have found that women who drink red wine is likely to gain less fat than those who stick to mineral water. These findings emerged from a study of a sample of 19,000 women and contradict the advice given by most nutritionists to abstain from alcohol, if you want to lose weight.
The scientists who conducted the study (which was published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine) say that calories derived from alcohol have less effect on weight compared with calories from other foods. They also note that the way the body responds to alcohol is more complex than we believed. According to one theory, the livers of those who drink regularly, develop a different metabolic pathway for breaking down alcohol, and the extra energy is mostly converted into heat instead of fat. However, this only applies to red wine and all beverages: women who drink red wine is much less fat than women who prefer beer and other beverages.
When shopping, do not go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home junk food free 'so they will not be tempted to drop.
If you are looking for a diet plan that works, but still I could not find one, then you are just one of many people who are looking for that plan effective rapid weight loss diet. The main reason people have difficulty finding the diet plan that works for them because they are waiting for a "quick fix." Most overweight people want to see the effect of diet immediately.
While this approach to weight loss is more natural and healthy is not easy. It is not surprising that much of the so-called weight loss pills were developed, which makes weight loss easier. One of the most popular of these pills are fat blockers and fat binders. They work by reducing the amount of fat the body assimilates food. Fat blockers (the best known example is Acai Cleanse Ultra), in particular, inhibit the enzyme lipase in the intestine that breaks down the fat making it ready for digestion. As a result, fat can not be absorbed by the body as freely pass through the intestine. Fat portfolios by binding to fat molecules, again which is not absorbable by the intestine. fat blockers and binders have unpleasant side effects (including are uncontrollable anal discharges odor.) Of course you can not expect that the elimination of fats in your diet is healthy.
Drink lots of water "Though you may have heard over and over again, it's really true. Drinking water not only replenishes the system but also promotes weight loss. How is that possible? Well, as we all know, water is a fluid that passes directly to the colon, so drinking water can flush toxins and unwanted fat. Drink at least eight glasses a day for best results.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Simple Solution - How to Loss Weight
Friday, April 30, 2010
Heart problems

The number of heart diseases cases in our time is progressively increasing. The heart particularly often suffers from unhealthy diet, pressure fluctuations, psycho-emotional stress.
The first signs of a heart disease are pain in the heart, a weak rapid pulse, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, apathy, bad mood, irritability, depression, sleep disorders, palpitations, premature aging, premature fatigue, etc.
The presence of a heart disease means that the heart and circulation work abnormally. If you have a heart disease, you are at risk of a heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, angina (chest pain), or abnormal heart rhythm. Violations of myocardial blood supply and metabolism are the main causes of most common heart problems: coronary heart disease, strokes, myocardial infarction, etc.
That is why physicians widely use the drugs that influence the basic pathogenetic links of these diseases, including agents that improve coronary blood flow, reduce the load on the myocardium, lower the heart demand in oxygen, improve the occurred metabolic processes. With regard to the widespread use of such remedies in angina, they have been called antianginal drugs (from angina pectoris).
The main clinical forms of the heart problems include angina, myocardial infarction and coronarogenic (atherosclerotic) cardiosclerosis; the first two are acute, and cardiosclerosis is a chronic form of the disease. They occur in patients as isolated as in combinations, including those with various complications and their after-effects (heart failure, rhythm disturbances, intracardiac conduction disorders, thromboembolism, etc.).